In ancient Norse mythology, Asgard, the country of the Gods, was a city in the skies. Today, Asgardia is the first Space Nation in human history, and the first nation to have all of its territory in Space.

Asgardia is founded by Dr. Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli, (born in 1963 in Azerbaijan) Russian scientist, businessman, and philanthropist.

In 1988 he established Socium as a software company which is now a large holding with over 10,000 employees worldwide. Socium’s slogan is “Per Socium Ad Astra,” which emphasizes the need for community and cooperation in humankind’s path towards the stars and exploration of space. In 2010, he was awarded the State Science and Technology Prize for his achievements in the development and use of a new generation of micro-technology communications systems and controls for mobile air defense systems and critical facilities. The State Science & Technology Prize is the highest honor a Russian scientist can achieve. In 2016, he was awarded Gold UNESCO Medal “For contribution to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies”. The same year he established Asgardia as the first ever space nation, as a global, unifying and humanitarian project.

After the proposal of the establishment of Asgardia by Igor Ashurbeyli on 12 October 2016, The Constitution of the Space Kingdom of Asgardia was adopted on 18 June 2017 and it became effective on 9 September 2017. Asgardia’s administrative center is located in Vienna, Austria. As of 2020 Asgardia micronation, has a population of about 1.000.000 earthlings.


  • Content: 88%
  • Usefulness: 88%
  • Design: 80%
  • Creativity: 79%
  • Usability: 84%
  • Responsiveness: 85%


Today’s award goes to Asgardia project of Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli, because he found a very intelligent way in order to legalize his proclamation of micronation by launching a satellite (Asgardia-1) into Earth orbit in 2017. As such, the “Asgardians” have declared sovereignty over the space occupied by and contained within Asgardia -1; also aiming to establish a permanent settlement on the Moon by 2043. Congratulations.

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