Founded in 2008 by Svet Simov in Sofia, Bulgaria, Fontfabric is a tight-knit group of accomplished, multidisciplinary designers who share a passion for high-quality typefaces, calligraphy and lettering.

The company has the extraordinary advantage of being able to draw from more than 1,000 years of Glagolitic and Cyrillic heritage. Bulgaria was the birthplace of the Cyrillic alphabet, which after its creation in the mid-tenth century spread rapidly across the region, and today ranks as the sixth most widely adopted script in the world, with over 250 million users.

Throughout a decade of its existence, Fontfabric has remained a faithful and constant advocate for the development and integration of Cyrillic typefaces. From day one the company pressed for continuous improvement, while never losing sight of its common roots and shared past. This work ethic has seen climbing to the top of the bestselling font charts, transforming the platform into one of the most distinguished type foundries in the world.

Clients of include high-profile global brands such as Nike, Lipton, Hyundai, CNET, Nestle, Transavia and the US national football team, to name just a few. In addition to this, Fontfabric regularly leads workshops and lectures, releases free fonts, and collaborates with locals and internationals alike to cultivate a growing and vibrant type scene.

The team is composed of Svetoslav Simov (Founder and Director), Plamen Motev (Π’ype Director), Ivelina Karpacheva (Type Designer), Nikolay Petroussenko (Type Designer) and Ventsislav Dzhokov (Type Designer). More information can be found in the website.


Domain Name:
Creation Date: 2008-11-11
Registrar:, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146

Server IP:
ASN: AS15169
ISP: Google LLC
Server Location: Groningen, Netherlands
Web Servers: Nginx
Reverse proxies: Nginx

Programming Language: PHP
CMS: WordPress
Blog: WordPress
Databases: MySQL
SEO: Yoast
Tag Managers: Google Tag Manager
Analytics: Linkedin Insight Tag
JavaScript Libraries: Polyfill, PaaS


  • Title: Fontfabric – We design fonts
  • Description: Fontfabric is an independent type foundry , which was launched at the close of 2008 by designer Svetoslav Simov who is based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Our goal is to create high-quality fonts which stand in a unique class of their own, and which will serve as a good base for any designer project whether it be web, print, t-shirt design, logo etc.
    A digital type foundry crafting retail fonts and custom typography for various brands. Sharing a passion for premium typefaces, calligraphy and lettering.
  • Keywords: fontfabric

Alexa Rank: 34,114
Daily Unique Visitors: 123,248
Monthly Visits: 3,882,312
Pages per Visitor: 2.00
Daily Pageviews: 246,496
Average visit duration: 03:15

Traffic sources;
Direct: 28.31%
Referral: 17.84%
Search: 47.80%
Social: 6.04%
Paid: 0%

Desktop vs Mobile;
Desktop: 82.13%
Mobile: 17.87%

Backlinks from;
.com 5,482 66%
.net 386 4%
.org 214 2%
.de 148 1%
.kr 144 1%
.ru 112 1%
.cn 89 1%
.pw 81 1%
.info 73 1%
.fr 70 1%
.uk 68 1%
.co 64 1%
.br 63 1%
.es 60 1%
.pl 59 1%

Main HTML color codes used;
64% #ffffff
10% #000000
5% #f01070
2% #fff0ff
2% #e01080
2% #8000d0
2% #d01090
1% #6000e0
1% #f0f0f0
1% #e02070
1% #9000c0
1% #f090c0

Page Speed;
Desktop: 88%
Mobile: 71%

Field Data;
First Contentful Paint (FCP) 2,1 s
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) 3,6 s
First Input Delay (FID) 5 ms
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) 0

Google Safe Browsing: Safe. Reputation Ratings;
Trustworthiness: 92
Vendor reliability: 92
Privacy: 92
SSL Check: Website supports HTTPS
Common Name:
Issuer: R3
HTTP/2: Website supports HTTP/2


  • Content: 90%
  • Usefulness: 88%
  • Design: 89%
  • Creativity: 89%
  • Usability: 87%
  • Responsiveness: 70%


Today’s Web Award goes to, thanks to its quality, originality, creativity and generously offered free fonts. Congratulations.

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Β© Copyright & Credits: Font Fabric

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