Today’s Web Award Laureate is the website


Mitch Rouse is a transportation entrepreneur and photographer based out of Cody, Wyoming. He began exploring the realm of aerial photography, with high tech drones. Unsatisfied with the limitations of drones, he began photographing primarily straight down from fixed wing aircraft. Mitch has now found the sweet spot between the two by developing a system that incorporates a Bell 407 helicopter, with a Shot Over gimbal mounted to the nose, which contains a 150 MP Phase One Industrial camera. This state-of-the-art system provides outstanding image quality and output superior to either of the previous iterations. Mitch is currently working with a retired NASA scientist to explore the worlds of photorealistic mapping with 10 times the resolution of Google and virtual reality of real world places.

Innovative, experimental, and dedicated to extreme quality, Mitch Rouse Aerials is pushing the boundaries of manned aerial photography. This site is a gallery to showcase his more recent aerial work. Mitch has hangers in Cody, WY and Long Beach, CA. He has flown as far east as San Antonio, TX, but the bulk of his work has been in the West. He has photographed in Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Yellowstone, the Palouse, Death Valley, Canyonlands and many places in between.

Mitch is interested in industrial sites including agriculture, transportation, shipping, ports, solar power, wind power, oil and gas. His current projects including the Los Angeles – Long Beach Harbor, piers of California, highway interchanges, oil and gas fields in the Central Valley of California, agriculture in the Central Valley of California, and agriculture in the Palouse region Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

Today receives The Web Award as “The Website Of The Day” with our warmest congratulations.


Domain Name:
-Creation Date: 2017-06-21
-Registrar:, Inc.
-Registrar IANA ID: 9

Server IP:
-ASN: AS33070
-ISP: Rackspace Ltd.
-Server Location: USA

-Title: Mitch Rouse Aerials – Cody, WY – Long Beach, CA
-Description: Mitch Rouse is an award winning aerial photographer based in Cody, Wyoming. Mitch’s work focuses on the Western US from Cody to Long Beach, California. For Images as big and beautiful as your dreams, Mitch Rouse Aerials photographs from a Bell 407 helicopter with Shot Over gimbal on a Phase One 150 MP industrial camera.
-Keywords: Aerial Photography, Corporate Art solution, Office Artwork, Mitch Rouse Aerials, Art Dealer, Aerial Landscapes, Corporate Aerial Photographer, Commercial Aerial images, Hotel Artwork

-Content Delivery Network: Rackspace
-Content Management System: Photofolio
-Fonts: Fontdeck, Typekit
-Video Players: Vimeo
-Tag Management: Google
-Captcha: reCAPTCHA
-Privacy Compliance: USP API
-JavaScript Libraries: JavaScript SDK
-Compatibility: matchMedia
-Advertising: DoublecClick
-Verified Link 1: Facebook
-Verified Link 2: Instagram
-Verified Link 3: Twitter
-Name Server: Rackspace DNS Cloud
-Web Hosting Providers: Rackspace

-Rank: 15,686,113
-Daily Unique Visitors: <5K
-Monthly Visits: <5K
-Pages Per Visitor: n/a
-Daily Pageviews: n/a

Ahrefs Rank: 8,064,837
-URL Rate: 27
-Domain Rate: 23
-Backlinks: 322 +29
-Referring Domains: 117
-Organic Keywords: 8
-Organic Traffic: 173

CTLDs distribution;
.com: 92 (78%)
.net: 5 (4%)
.art: 2 (1%)
.it: 2 (1%)
.live: 2 (1%)
.id: 1 (<1%)
.ie: 1 (<1%)
.im: 1 (<1%)
.in: 1 (<1%)
.link: 1 (<1%)
.one: 1 (<1%)
.org: 1 (<1%)
.ru: 1 (<1%)
.se: 1 (<1%)
.site: 1 (<1%)

-Rank: 2,893,315
-Organic Keywords: 6
-Organic Traffic: 140

-Trust Flow: 11
-Citation Flow: 19
-External Inbound Links (Fresh) 225
-External Inbound Links (Historic) 1,384
-External Inbound Links (Distinct) 139
-External Inbound Links (Duplicate) 86
-Referring Domains (Fresh) 85
-Referring Domains (Historic) 166

Referring Domains;
-Have a Live link: 94%
-Have a Follow link: 74%
-Have a Homepage link: 2%
-Have a Direct link: 100%
-Have an HTTPS link: 91%

Incoming Languages;
-English: 91.1%
-Chinese: 1.6%
-Portuguese: 1.6%
-Spanish/Castilian: 1.6%
-Russian: 1.1%
-Swedish: 1.1%
-French: 0.5%
-Indonesian: 0.5%
-Italian: 0.5%

Search Engine Indexes;
-Google Index: 53
-Baidu Index: 2

Behance Profile;
-Project Views: 445,931
-Appreciations: 46,803
-Followers: 13,894
-Following: 84

Website Speed – Desktop: 85
-First Contentful Paint 1,2 sn.
-Time to Interactive 1,9 sn.
-Speed Index 1,8 sn.
-Total Blocking Time 30 ms.
-Largest Contentful Paint 1,7 sn.
-Cumulative Layout Shift 0

Website Speed – Mobile: 71
-First Contentful Paint 2,6 sn.
-Time to Interactive 3,1 sn.
-Speed Index 3,1 sn.
-Total Blocking Time 110 ms.
-Largest Contentful Paint 3,1 sn.
-Cumulative Layout Shift 0

Compression: Yes
-Website uses gzip compression.
-Original size: 982.06 KB
-Compressed size: 210.53 KB
-File reduced by: 771.53 KB (78%)

SSL Check: Website supports HTTPS
-Common Name:
-Certificate Issuer: Let’s Encrypt
-Certificate Type: R3
-Valid from: Dec 3 11:27:04 2022 GMT
-Valid until: Mar 3 11:27:03 2023 GMT
-Signature: sha256WithRSAEncryption
-SSL Certificate is installed correctly

Name Servers;

Security & Trust Report;
-Google Safe Browsing: Clean
-Mcafee Site Advisor: Clean
-Kaspersky: Clean
-BitDefender: Clean
-Avira: Clean
-Eset: Clean
-Comodo: Clean
-Yandex Safe Browsing: Clean
-Spamhaus: Clean
-FraudScore: Clean
-Trustwave: Clean
-AlienVault: Clean
-BlockList: Clean
-Sucuri Site Check: Clean
-Phishing Database: Clean
-Malwared: Clean
-Nucleon: Clean
-Sophos: Clean
-Baidu: Clean
-Tencent: Clean


  • Content: 90%
  • Usefulness: 90%
  • Design: 87%
  • Creativity: 90%
  • Usability: 87%
  • Responsiveness: 71%


Today’s Web Award goes to, thanks to its excellence in quality, originality, design and content.

Website Address:

Β© Copyright & Credits: Mitch Rouse

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